Monday, November 27, 2006

Living a Fascination... you'd think!

As a kid, I was possessed. With the whole idea of driving. Speeding. Drifting. Even changing lanes. All I wanted was for me to be in the hot seat and take myself places. My first preference was a bmw... with many first preferences falling in line as I grew up and understood what a 6 digit number meant in terms of currency. And I fantasized off and on... hating cars for having seat handles and weird headlights. But the Peugot, stayed. And obsessed as I am with everything I have wanted since childhood, I chased this. For a few years of my life, I've spent wisely, saved ridiculously. Of course it doesn't cover the interest I pay for now, but it makes me feel good. Like I did my part. And I finally caught up. With a little bit of money to throw around, I finally caught up on this brand new car, the apple of my eye. The only thing I've ever owned with a resale value attached to it. The process of fishing around for a second hand car until I was finally drawn into the gleaming babies in the showroom made me relish the purchase even more. I looked at her for a full 1/2 minute before jumping in and speeding out on my first drive ever. Cars are liabilities. They cannot hold value. There are 3 permanent speed radars on my way to work. 1 flashes you if you cross a red light. Policemen man every single traffic light I cross in the morning. And flouting the laws will land me in nothing short of a zero or negative bank balance, and probably a stint behind bars too, with my licence and my hot wheels, gone for good. I work 15 kms away from my home. Eyes open for pedestrians who will cross only before or after the zebra lines and when the lights are green - for the cars. Death wish. Death wish. Ears open for every car behind me that wants to honk because I did not set my handbrake down when the lights turned yellow. And if there's anything left of my senses, then making sure that all fully tinted windows and four wheelers get special consideration even if I am driving at the speed limit of 120 (the rare scene) and don't know which car to bump on which side so that they can pass through. Then of course, not running over the now growing biking enthusiasts who prefer to think that Hondas and Harleys have nothing to differ on. Yes I am a woman and a new driver (who happened to earn her manual licence at the very first shot). And I know that explains the whole story. But all I want to do is cruise around without thinking and knowing that every move I make on the roads is treacherous!!! What a pity I was born into a generation that threw the passion of driving out of the window to recklessly zoom around with a death wish screeching out of every abused spare part.


knicq said...

Deary, there are few people outside Lebanon who use the words Puegot and resale in the same sentence... I am one of them, but I commit this folly only when advocating the resale merits, amongst the many others, of the Toyotas...

Oh, I am sorry...did I just take the sheen off of your spanking new baby? I meant to do that...I always wanted a Puegot for me too, but we old people often forget the youthful adage that resale advantage is temporary, style satisfaction permanent!

Nishat Khatib said...

Touche... !

My baby still sparkles, is easy to park, can honk without making the guy I'm trying to scare burst into peels of laughter - and the resale value is debatable, if you are gathering the fiscal perspective - hmm, a topic I'd rather ignore!

Of course, I haven't had much of a time to discover other things besides the three mirrors that save my life from all those TOYotas on the road. Hmm... !

knicq said...

There's a reason there are all those Toyotas on the roads, and there's a reason Tootas still sell DESPITE the snooty Futtaimi salespeople!

oh an Cash while I agree with almost everything you say, I must remind you Geman blood in non-german body has seldom brought any good!

The last time the Germans tried to put their blood in the French (and the rest of the europeans), Japan got bombed!

knicq said...

You seem to harbour the wrong kind of notions about is safe and perfectly fine to update more often than you do....hell, you could do two posts in a day!